
Shakespeare im LK Englisch

"Why Shakespeare?" - Das fragten sich die Schülerinnen und Schüler der Q1 am Anfang dieser Unterrichtsreihe. Auch 400 Jahre nach seinem Tod spielt Shakespeare im Englischunterricht noch eine bedeutsame Rolle. Viele fürchten seine umständliche Sprache und seine schwierigen Themen. Die Lernenden des LK Englisch Kurs von Frau Hofbauer wählten hier einen kreativen Ansatz, um sich seinem Werk „Macbeth“ zu nähern und einen Zugang zu seiner Sprache zu finden. Sie erstellten für den 1. Akt einen Audio Drama Podcast.

Macbeth audio podcast.mp3
MP3 Audio Datei 30.2 MB
Macbeth Act 1, Scene 4-72.mp4
MP3 Audio Datei 25.0 MB

After reading Shakespeare‘s Macbeth and some of the Bard‘s famous sonnets in our advanced course (Q1), we were inspired to create some poetry ourselves.

Here are some examples of the artworks:

„Untitled“ by Diana

I'm standing here in front of you,

Reading a poem to all of you.

First I was worried about the topic,

Because it wasn't really easy for me to pick.

A topic that blows like a drain

Ideas easily to my brain.

But there are also favourite themes,

That are the basis of the reams.

There is the topic love

Heading over the others above.

But for that, of what are you thinking?

That you are betrayed, beloved, believing?

But when the audience knows you're not,

All of this sounds kind of odd.

So you see it is not a possible theme

I want for me in my poetry.

Another one is the nature.

Gods most beautiful creature.

But looking around what do you see?

Sitting near a clear blue sea?

Or surrounded by many trees?

Well it is impossible for me

Writing about something I have to see,

To make something out of my poetry.

The last topic is the death

Or something about someone‘s last breath.

But I guess in our age

We choose something else for the stage.

It is not something we are talking about,

When we are meeting in our crowds.

It is a topic to woefully

For another school poetry.

So you can see

It was not easy for me.

Thinking about everything,

But exactly chosen nothing.

So at the end

I had no specific content.

So I chose to write about the theme:

„How I got my topic for the poetry“



„Underwater“ by Madeleine

It's like committing a crime 

Strange destiny 

Strange desire 

You followed me madly

Aggressively, like fuel catching fire 

It's like committing a crime 

You're a man with a history 

A criminal who became my worst memory

I knew your past

And you knew mine 

But it seemed like you didn't care

So you moved on abusing me 

And I was scared to death so I just said it's fine 

I knew your past

And you knew mine 

But it seemed like I didn't care

So I kept on giving fake signals

Just to calm you down

Everytime you went insane

While getting high

You held me underwater 

But like a swamp

If I would resist or move faster

You'd just grab me even harder

If I could turn back time 

I wouldn't be that curious 

I wouldn't say hi

I'd just go out of the water

And leave you there

Overdosing every night



„Untitled“ by Olajumoke

O Burden,

when will you go away?

When will you come to rest?

Don‘t you have somebody else to burden?

Why did you pick me?

Ah Burden!

You make me sick of thoughts

Yes, sick of mind because of you

You cling on to me as if you and I are long time lovers

Can‘t you just spare me?

O Burden,

I have a long time solution

When I may go to heaven

You must go to hell



„Blue Eyes“ by Robin

XXX with her blue eyes 

Sparkling into my life

Black long beautiful hair

Waving in the air 

But also she is sometimes getting mad

Then the whole world is getting sad



„Future“ by Corinna

What will the future bring to me?

When will it come,

how will it be?

If rich or poor or thick or thin,

I will go in.

My decisions can be right and wrong

and all the grades I get by my English teacher,

Can decide my future.

A little scared of all the chaos that may await me

and the many choices I can choose between,

I ask myself – when will it come, how will it be?

EF 2018/2019

"digital age"

Im Englischkurs der EF 2018/2019 haben die Schüler im Rahmen des Themas „digital age“ als Projektarbeit vlogs (video blogs) produziert. Die Themen waren dabei frei wählbar. Nachdem die Schüler einen Entwurf und ein Drehbuch geschrieben haben, ging es weiter mit dem Dreh und dem Editieren und Schneiden der Clips. Auch Musik und Soundeffekte wurden eingearbeitet. Es kamen viele spannende, lehrreiche und unterhaltsame vlogs dabei heraus, die wir gemeinsam angeschaut und bewertet haben. Hier zwei Eindrücke: